Bitchin’ Volunteers get Cookin’ with One Kitchen Collaborative!

Aug 10, 2023

Spreading love through delicious & nutritious food- that’s what the Bitchin’ Mission is all about! 

This Summer, Bitchin’ Volunteers drove up to neighboring Oceanside, CA to visit the good folks at the One Kitchen Collaborative. The OKC is a like-minded bunch with a supremely Bitchin’ Mission of their own- to create food waste solutions and address food insecurity in our community through catering, food production, and education programs. OKC works with cities, nonprofits, food banks, senior centers, and schools around San Diego County. 

The One Kitchen crew takes this mission seriously, with an ultimate vision to become a model example of zero-waste hunger relief. In that vein, they’ve contributed 600,000 + meals to the community since 2020, and have helped divert 434,111 + pounds of food waste since March 2023. Those are some seriously Bitchin’ figures! 

Once there, the Bitchin’ Gang was instructed to help prep chilis, onions, lettuce, and other veggies for meals. They organized the pantry, packaged jam, and learned the ins and outs of OKC’s mission while they built relationships with OKC staff. 

“OKC has found a way to create a purpose in the kitchen!” Said one Saucy Server. “Not only to enjoy the cooking process but to do it with intent. There has been so much joy in lending a hand to give children a yummy and nutritious meal!” 

Another team member summed it up nicely: “Reducing food waste and feeding people in need is pretty Bitchin’!” 

We always strive to make a truly Bitchin’ Good impression wherever we go- so it meant a lot that OKC followed up on us with some truly warm and wonderful words: 

“Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, at your Bitchin' organization, is truly stellar to work with. You all radiate such positivity and joy in every interaction. It's clear your organization is well led and company culture is prioritized. Your team is even more bitchin' than your sauces!” 

One Kitchen Collaborative is the latest in our many super-Bitchin’ partnerships with local & national non-profit organizations through our Bitchin’ Givin’ program. Since 2020, we’ve contributed over 8,000 hours of volunteer work to various projects, ranging from children & family programs to food relief, to environmental care. If you’re interested in Bitchin’ Sauce joining hands with your non-profit, send us a saucy shoutout at!