Volunteer Time Off at Farm Lab!

Apr 5, 2023

At Bitchin’ Sauce we believe a brighter future is made possible by thriving families and communities. Our partnership with Whole Foods, the Whole Kids Foundation, and Farm Lab gives us the chance to get down ‘n dirty, and continue our mission while having a Bitchin’-good time on the farm!

Located in the beachfront city of Encinitas, Farm Lab is a beautiful 10-acre property that supports the health, wellness and enviro-literacy for students and the Encinitas community. Whole Kids and Farm Lab have been partners for years, giving students access to nutritious food and a vast amount of learning opportunities, all while enjoying the yummy fruits and veggies that they grew themselves! Every year, Farm Lab supplies the Encinitas School District with a whopping 12,000+ pounds of delicious, organic produce for the school salad bars! How Bitchin’ is that? Very.

Naturally, we were stoked to meet the peeps at the Lab and get to work! Our team of volunteers traded sneakers for garden boots, and hairnets for sun hats, then headed out during our weekly Friday Volunteer Time-Off to manicure the garden and feed the chickens. Our Bitchin’ farmers wheelbarrowed tons of mulch, planted dozens of tomato plants, pruned trees, and yanked weeds. We closed out three weeks of volunteerism with 100 hours donated, inspired hearts, and excited minds knowing that we’ve helped feed our community.

If you’d like to learn more about Farm Lab or The Whole Kids Foundation, visit their websites: 

Whole Kids Foundation Website

Farm Lab Website