Mmm… Organic! Made with rich coco-aminos and organic ingredients, Spinach Artichoke, Roasted Green Chile & Pepita, Green Onion, and Buffalo are mainstays at the Bitchin’ buffet line, and cocktail hour charcuterie station!! Dip a chip or cracker, or smother on any of your favorite savory foods!
This kit includes (6) tubs of Organic Bitchin’ Sauce!
(2) tubs of Spinach Artichoke - The Arti-Party. Appetizing mainstay for all your festive gatherings. Tasty and Irresistible.
(2) tubs of Buffalo - The Buff Stuff! Perfect for gameday... or any day. Savory and Traditional.
(1) tub of Green Onion - The Verdant Velvet. So fresh it's the fresh prince of Bel-Onion. Green and Oniony.
(1) tub of Roasted Green Chile & Pepita - The Gold Medalist. Loved and admired by critics and fans alike. Smooth and Mild.